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Painting Technique

I devote myself to the technique called “dot art”. This style of artistic creation is typical for indigenous peoples, who used various tools to create works. Paintings were composed of dots, often in several layers of different kinds of colors. Nowadays, this technique is often associated with the creation of mandalas.

I pursue abstract geometric dot art painting in particular. I have been painting in acrylic for a few years. I apply it in layers, so the result of the picture creates something as a 3D effect. This layering emphasizes the dimension of the depth of each dot of the image, which creates a pleasant shadow dimension of the painting with respect to the incident light.

The symbol of the circle has a specific meaning for me.  It is the reason why I like to create paintings in the format of a circle.  For me it represents a deeper meaning of the concept of “life”, which is constantly repeated, but always from the point of view of a new perspective.  A circle has neither beginning nor an end and no edges either. In my inner world, it also represents the zero point – the zero state from which everything originates, and everything is in a state of infinite neutrality. This infinite neutrality constantly exists and from which other forms – perspectives that can fill the given circle originate. The pictures are therefore filled with lines of dots of life that create different paths-destinies, which often change their direction, cross each other, and for various reasons that are often incomprehensible to us suddenly end.